#92: ‘Micro’ Monthly Giving Campaigns: How to Re-engage Donors in Uncertain Times

development donations email marketing fundraising podcast Jun 21, 2020

A question for nonprofits right now is what we can do as marketers to shore up our organization’s financial position as we weather this prolonged crisis. 

One option is to seek out new donors, but that can be an expensive way to go - about 10 times more expensive than retaining a current donor. But you’ve probably reached out to your current donor base (possibly more than once) during this challenging time. 

Where else can you turn? 

Well, there is a group that falls neatly between the people who have not donated to you before and those who have been a current source of support. It may be time to look at your lapsed donors and see if you can re-engage them and bring them back into the fold. 

And you might want to invite them back with an option for giving that speaks to this time: a small monthly recurring donation, which would allow them to support a cause they have a history with without breaking their budgets. Think of it as a “micro” monthly giving program. 

I’ve got some suggestions about how you can do this that we’ll dive into today - plus a free email copy “swipe file” to help you create your own campaign.

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