#51: The Data Driving Email-Based Fundraising

development digital marketing email marketing fundraising podcast Sep 14, 2019

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As smart marketers, you know there are a lot of marketing options for your nonprofit to consider - for outreach, for advocacy and to engage supporters. Your job is to find what works best, is most efficient and delivers the best results. 

It will always mean experimentation and evolving your approach. You’ll need to try and try again to find what works. But there are ways to minimize the risk, the time, and the sheer frustration as you discover what has the most impact for your nonprofit.

That’s where data comes in. And in today’s podcast, we drill down on the data from several highly respected sources on email marketing, and very specifically email fundraising. 

Whether it’s M+R’s latest Benchmark report, Classy’s State of Philanthropy, or the 2018 Global Trends in GIving Report, each shows part of the overall fundraising environment out there and how it can be put to work for your noble cause. 

I’ve got links to all three below, but to hear about the main takeaways, just click on the podcast. And I promise I won’t just be throwing numbers at you - my goal is to give you the benefit of more than 20 years of nonprofit marketing to share with you not only what the numbers are, but what they mean and how they could affect your nonprofit.

By the way, if your head is spinning just at the idea of using email marketing as a fundraising tool, I get it. 

There are a lot of crazy nuances around email fundraising campaigns. 


Links Mentioned in the Episode:

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