#87: Why Your Nonprofit Needs to Pursue Publicity Now

marketing strategy media relations podcast public relations publicity May 17, 2020

Right now might not seem like the time to try to get publicity for your nonprofit.

If you are serving in an organization that’s in the middle of the pandemic storm - nonprofits that are dealing with homelessness, food insecurity, financial assistance or public health - you probably aren’t looking for earned media, because the reporters are coming to you.

But even nonprofits who are not front and center right now shouldn’t abandon outreach to the media. One of the ways we achieve “normalcy” is to act the way we normally would. And while handshakes with strangers and meeting in large groups may not be on the horizon, there’s little stopping you from telling your story and sharing your mission.

Today’s podcast is all about how to reach out to reporters in this unprecedented time and what they are looking for in a world dominated by coronavirus.


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