#42: Nonprofit News Flash: Your Website Pressroom Is Important

communication strategy marketing strategy podcast publicity Jul 13, 2019

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One of the most important assets your website can have is a well-developed pressroom, a virtual space that serves as a one-stop shop for information about your organization created with the media in mind.

Your pressroom will make it easier for members of the media to cover your nonprofit and it can position your group as experts on the issue you are addressing. 

In today's episode, I cover:

  • What is a virtual pressroom and why it’s important
  • What items should be included in your press pages
  • Some examples of excellent nonprofit pressrooms that you can emulate

It’s likely that much of the information you need to develop a great press room is already there - it just needs to be recast to appeal to journalists, who are looking to find information quickly without having to hunt throughout your site. 

Links mentioned in this episode:



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