#21: Marketing+Development=$50K Fundraising Success!

development fundraising marketing strategy podcast Feb 18, 2019

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You know that feeling when you hit that big fundraising goal….

- relief, excitement, wonder and joy all stirred up at once.

YEESSS, we did it!!

Thank goodness we hit the mark!

How did that happen?

Time to celebrate!

Well I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt, nonprofits who strategically and intentionally take the time to combine their marketing AND development effort will always achieve better fundraising results.

And, they are the ones who clearly know how they made it happen.

That’s why I always ask my small nonprofit clients -  

How is your development plan supported by your marketing and communications plan?

I believe it’s critically important to the success and sustainability of small nonprofits.

In this episode I share:

  • How marketing and development can be easily and effectively combined.
  • The steps you can take to make it happen now.
  • An inspiring story about a nonprofit who in five short weeks hit their $50,000 fundraising goal when they intentionally combined their marketing and development efforts around one priority message.

And so much more!

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