#107: #GivingTuesday: How to Make It Happen When Time is Running Out

donations fundraising giving tuesday podcast Nov 08, 2020

This time of year, there’s a question that confounds many small nonprofits as they head towards the end of year fundraising deadline. 

Should we participate in #GivingTuesday? Is the one day social media give-a-thon worth it for a nonprofit our size - or are we going to drown in a sea of requests? And even if we wanted to dive in this year, there’s only three weeks until #Giving Tuesday, which will be on Dec. 1 this year.  

In this episode, I talk about:

  • Why I think investing some time and effort in #GivingTuesday, if only as a way to launch your end-of-year fundraising efforts.
  • How you can still get a #GivingTuesday campaign going in the time left.
  • What common elements successful #GivingTuesday campaigns have.

In the podcast, I mention some terrific Canva templates for #GivingTuesday. You can access them here

For ideas on messaging, I’d check out the #GivingTuesday key messages here

I’m also offering my COPY SWIPE FILE for your 2020 End-of-Year Asks again. Just click below to grab your copy.

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