#108: Marketer on a Mission: Anne Stefanyk of Kanopi Studios -- Top 10 Performance Tips for Your Nonprofitā€™s Website

digital marketing marketer on a mission marketing strategy podcast website Nov 14, 2020

You’d never buy a house and neglect to do the maintenance, right? 

Website agency founder and CEO Anne Stefanyk of Kanopi Studios, this week’s Marketer on a Mission, says you should treat your nonprofit’s website the same way. 

You’ve spent a lot of time and money creating that online presence and it should last you at least 10 years, she says, as long as you do the maintenance.

Or, to put it another way, the launch of your website isn’t the end of the story; it’s just the beginning. 

That maintenance can take lots of forms from security updates to SEO optimization to powerful content. But it doesn’t need to be overwhelming. In this podcast, Anne breaks down the top 10 things you should be doing to maximize the performance of your nonprofit’s website.

You'll learn:

  • How Google rewards you for a fast loading site (and ways to fix yours if it’s slow)
  • Why you need to think like your audience when determining everything from blog content to keywords, and how to do that. 
  • What in the world terms like “heatmapping” and “WYSIWYG” mean and how you can use them to optimize the layout and design of your nonprofit’s website. 

It’s a powerhouse session full of actionable items that you or your team can implement. 

Throughout the episode, Anne refers to several free or low cost online tools that can help you assess your website’s performance and give insights on what’s working - and what isn’t.

And be sure to check out Kanopi Studios too! 

Anne and her team are doing some pretty amazing work in the world.

Click here to listen!

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