#67: Your Nonprofit Can’t Ignore THIS in 2020

donations donor retention monthly giving podcast Jan 11, 2020

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Convincing you that monthly giving programs are worth doing isn’t that hard. Report after report shows that recurring donation programs have great ROI, provide a steady, predictable flow of funds for your organization and are a powerful tool in donor retention. 

But it has to be done right.

Launching a recurring donation program is more than adding a monthly giving button, announcing the option exists and hoping for the best.  

Launching a recurring donation program is more than adding a monthly giving button, announcing the option exists and hoping for the best. 

The strategy behind successful monthly giving programs involves starting small so you can test the process and then building on that success. It’s about branding. It’s about creating a community. And it’s about taking steps to make sure that this special group never feels like they’re being taken for granted just because they are subscribers. 

Listen to this podcast for insights, ideas and step-by-step marketing instruction on how to successfully launch a stellar monthly giving program - or jazz up an existing one - so it fulfills its potential for your organization!


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