#33: 13 Marketing Tools *just for nonprofits* To Help Get More Done In Less Time
May 11, 2019
Without a doubt, I know you’re a hard working marketer.
Up early checking emails on your phone before you even have your first cup of coffee.
Website updates, social media posts, checking campaigns stats, taking calls and going to meetings all before lunch.
But a busy day doesn’t always mean a productive one. Does it?
And that can be so frustrating….I know!
But, there are tools you can use to help make even the busiest days super productive.
One’s that keep everything organized and on schedule so you don’t miss deadlines.
Along with marketing resources that don’t bust the budget.
If you’re a busy, hard working marketer feeling like you need more time to get more done then what I have to share with you today will help tremendously.
Give a listen to today’s podcast to learn about 13 Marketing Tools (just for nonprofits) that can be used to get a whole lot done in less time, even with a small budget.
Project Management Tools:
Collaboration Tool:
Website Tracking:
Branding and PR:
Photos and Videos:
Social Media Scheduler:
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