#125: Should You Avoid Marketing on These Days?

communications marketing strategy podcast Sep 09, 2021

There are certain days when you might just look at the calendar and think: “Nope, that won’t be a good day to send an email or do a social media post.” 

Maybe it’s a holiday and you think your message will just get lost in the crowd. Maybe it’s the anniversary of a tragic event. Maybe you are worried that tackling a certain topic will put you in hot water with your subscribers or invite negative comments in your social media feed.

There can be a temptation to skip over certain difficult days or sensitive topics in your outreach, but an overly cautious approach might rob your nonprofit of a chance to engage with your supporters on a deeper and more meaningful level. 

In this episode, we discuss holidays, poignant anniversaries, and fraught topics you might be hesitant to write about and why it might be worth the risk. We’ll also dive into what you should do to make sure any communications on these days or addressing these issues are framed in a way that enhances your current relationships with followers and subscribers - as opposed to alienating these audiences. 

Ready to hear more?

Click here to listen! 

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