#128: Why You Must Embrace Marketing

marketing strategy podcast Sep 30, 2021

I know marketing wasn’t the reason you joined the world of nonprofits. You became a nonprofit professional (maybe even founded your own organization!) because you wanted to help. You have a compassionate heart and saw a problem that needed fixing. You wanted to do good for the homeless, the hungry, veterans, those suffering from illness, the environment, animals, the arts, or another worthwhile cause. 

And what in the world does marketing have to do with that? 

Well….everything, really.

The fact is you are a marketer first. Or at least you should be. In this episode, I want to try to help you shift your thinking about marketing so that you can really embrace one of the most important tools you have to grow your nonprofit.

Because if you don’t embrace marketing, you won’t:

  • Get the support you need
  • Recruit the volunteers you want
  • Achieve the advocacy required for your cause

More importantly, you might be missing the very clients you are trying to help.

When you’ve finished listening to this episode, I hope you will say - out loud and proud:

“I am a marketer first.”

Click here to listen! 

P.S. In this podcast, I mention a “food sharing” program in my neck of the woods that’s doing awesome work and has embraced the power of marketing. If you want to check out their exceptional outreach, visit their website at https://www.manzanitaoutreach.org/

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