#30: A Power Tool To Make You a Better Nonprofit Marketerā€¦.and so much more!

marketing strategy marketing tools personal development resource tools Apr 20, 2019

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There are certain things that we do that not only make us healthier, happier human beings, they make us more effective doing the work we love. Getting enough sleep, eating right and exercising are the Big Three.

But there’s another one you might want to try if you aren’t doing it: meditating.

This is the tool I turn to time and again in both my personal and professional life. It not only reduces stress, it helps boost my creativity. It’s the break I treat myself too if I feel scattered or can’t find the groove when I’m writing. Just a few minutes of focused thought and I can feel myself shift into a more peaceful state, which then makes everything else easier - writing, presenting, even leading.

In this episode I talk about:

  • How I resisted the idea of regular meditation right until a personal crisis, when I hit a wall of anxiety and pressure so hard that I thought I was going to die;
  • That there’s no wrong way to do meditation (Don’t own a pair of yoga pants and can’t possibly get into a lotus position? No problem!)
  • How I fit regular meditation into a pretty hectic schedule and a couple of the apps I use to make it easier.

With all the responsibilities of being a nonprofit leader, there’s always the danger that your life turns into a hamster wheel of endless tasks - the next board meeting, the next event, the next presentation, the next email - always busy, going nowhere.

Taking the time (and it’s a minimal amount of time, truly) to breathe and allow yourself to settle into a more peaceful and reflective state will allow you to make better business decisions, improve interpersonal skills and kick your creative marketing brain into a higher gear.

Links mentioned in this episode:

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