Who is Driving the Marketing Strategy for Your Nonprofit?

marketing strategy Jun 18, 2018

It happens in every nonprofit boardroom. 

The topic about how to best promote an event, a fundraising campaign, or communicate the impact of the organization comes to the table and many clamoring voices share their marketing opinions.

Sometimes it’s just a list of marketing ideas for consideration, and other times it’s a full directive to alter, adjust or abandon marketing efforts that are currently in motion.

When that happens the end result doesn’t typically amount to moving your mission forward. In fact, it often times moves things way back. Effective marketing does not come about with one off, by the seat of your pants, guessing game, stop and go marketing. Too many marketing efforts in too many places can do more harm than good.

But how do you as the Executive Director, Marketing or Communications Manager respectfully communicate that to well intended board members, and maintain control of your marketing strategy?

First and foremost an annual marketing plan must be developed. It’s the strategic marketing roadmap that is directly aligned to goals and objectives defined by the board that will provide you with a solid foundation to manage, maintain and drive your marketing strategy.

When marketing questions, opinions and ideas come up, you can reference the marketing plan that clearly defines the what, why and when with a reminder of how each marketing tactic builds upon the other as part of the overall strategy to achieve the organizations goals and objectives. 

Then it’s essential to regularly communicate how each marketing strategy is moving the mission forward. It can be a quick marketing report shared virtually, as part of your monthly board packet or delivered as a staff report. The key is to show well-defined strategic outreach with proven results so that it’s not a question as to whether or not it’s working. 

For instance, a marketing snap-shot with metrics could include: Number of monthly e-communications distributed (3) to the number of individuals on your email list (7,500) with an open rate (24%) that generated ($2,400) donations for one particular initiative (programmatic support). 

So when the marketing conversation occasionally comes around (and we know it will), you’ll be able to clearly communicate the strategy, how it’s aligned to the goals and objectives of the organization and the results they are generating.

This all adds up to the very best way of making sure you are driving the marketing strategy for your nonprofit. Educate everyone about how marketing really works for your organization.

Knowledge is power and in the instance of marketing your mission, it’s what will allow you to build confidence and trust from those around you so that when the marketing conversation begins to take place, you are guiding them and they are supporting what you want, need and know is best for the organization.

That’s when and how an effective marketing strategy will powerfully move your mission forward. With clear objectives, understanding and board support, you are the driver of the marketing strategy for your nonprofit ensuring that it makes the absolute greatest impact!