#141: Reset Your Marketing Mindset for 2022

podcast Jan 13, 2022

Inspiration - it’s the fuel of nonprofits. It’s what makes people work harder and more creatively. It is the well that we draw on when the problems seem too big, too complicated and we are too tired. 

And for the nonprofit leader there are hundreds - if not thousands - of books, articles and blogs on how to keep those around you inspired. But there’s precious little on how to stoke the fires of inspiration and keep yourself motivated while doing all that cheerleading for your board members or staff or volunteers. 

In this podcast, I want to look at the things you can do for yourself to capture the oh-so-good feelings of inspiration - whether you are heading up nonprofit marketing and communications, donor retention and development or maybe even your entire organization.

Get ready to reset your mindset and be an inspiration - to yourself. 

Click here to listen! 

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