#25: Maintaining The Motivation To Do Your Best Work

marketing strategy personal development podcast Mar 14, 2019

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You cannot pour from an empty cup.

That truism is the center of today’s podcast, where I talk about engaging in a little professional self-care, so you can keep motivated to do the heart-centered work you do.

As much as you believe in your nonprofit organization, I bet there are times when you just feel tapped out.  There’s a constant pressure to increase awareness, attract and retain more donors, and just do more and more to move your mission forward.

But you can’t be giving your all to your nonprofit if you don’t take a little time to fill the cup of your motivation. If you don’t, the inevitable stresses that come up might sap you of your passion. Feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt might even start to creep in.  

In this podcast I share some of the tips I’ve learned to address the “motivation gap.” You don’t have to just power through the rough times. There are resources out there that can help you regain your passion and purpose - and many of them are closer than you think.

Links mentioned in this episode:

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