#91: Making Your Nonprofit an ‘Ally’

podcast Jun 13, 2020

Right now it feels that we’ve come to a shift, a tipping point long overdue in the fight for equity and social justice for Black Americans. Out of the horror of the killing of George Floyd (and Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor and too many to list here) we may see a sustained effort to combat racism and recognize white privilege. 

How can non-Blacks in the nonprofit community help? By becoming allies to the cause. 

Doing that and working towards systemic changes necessary is going to involve some discomfort for most of us, and upfront, I want to tell you I’m not an expert on this topic. 

But I’ve been doing my research and learned about some people who have a lot of great insight to share about allyship, white privilege and how to do more than just stand up and be counted. In today’s episode, I share their work along with some personal observations I’ve had in the past few weeks that might prove helpful to you.

A couple of resources are mentioned in this podcast and here links to them:

We also talked about a metaphor of white privilege being a boot that’s so heavy that you don’t realize you are stepping on someone’s toes. One of the seminal articles about white privilege uses a different metaphor: Peggy McIntosh’s “Invisible Backpack.” You can access it here


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